15 Feb 2022

European Microwave Conference 2021

London, UK

The conference is being held from 15 – 17 February 2022 in London, UK, and represents the main event in the European Microwave Week. A broad range of high frequency related topics, from materials and technologies to integrated circuits, systems and applications will be addressed in all their aspects: theory, simulation, design, and measurement. Examples include the latest developments of filters and passive components, modelling and design of RF MEMS and microsystems, high frequency and high data rate microwave photonics, highly stable and ultra low-noise microwave and millimetre-wave sources, new linearisation techniques, 5G, IoT, and the impact of new packaging technologies on development applications.

The European Microwave Conference provides ample opportunities for networking and interaction with international experts in a wide variety of specialties, attracting delegates with academic as well as industrial backgrounds. With carefully selected papers in more than 50 oral and poster sessions, the conference represents an exciting forum for the presentation and discussion of the most recent advances in the microwave arena. In addition to scientific papers, contributions on industrial applications are also strongly encouraged, covering the fields of instrumentation, medical, telecommunication, radio astronomy, radar, space, automotive and defence systems.